We are very fortunate to have many volunteers who generously give their time to make our school even better. The saying, 'It takes a village to raise our children' is very true. Any help you can give to our school is always appreciated.
There are many opportunities for volunteer involvement at Bluewater State School, including: classroom support, Parents' and Citizens' Association, tuckshop, school reviews and evaluations, voluntary teacher aide, gardening, library for example contacting books and much more.
All volunteers who will be working with students on a regular basis must complete the 'Annual Volunteer Induction – Mandatory All Staff Training' which is run by the Principal or Deputy Principal each term or as required. Please contact the School Administration to register your interest in completing this Induction and volunteering at Bluewater State School.
Volunteers who are not parents (including grandparents) of a student/s attending Bluewater State School are required to hold and present a Blue Card prior to working with any students. It is free to obtain a Blue Card when obtaining one in a volunteering capacity. Please contact the School Administration for further details.
We have the following daily procedures in place for volunteers:
'Sign in' at the office when you arrive for volunteering.
'Sign out' at the office when you leave.
If you are unable to attend on a particular day it would be appreciated if you could call the office on (07) 4751 2333 to advise you won’t be in. That way we can inform the teacher or tuckshop convenor not to expect you.